Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

Thanks for sharing your day in the life of life in day! This is a good reminder for me right now: …But I decided to approach the adventure with curiosity and not fear

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Thank you Heather! Hope you are having an amazing adventure. Missing you in our Wednesday group. Hope you return in the Fall!!!

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Aug 25Liked by Ali Lopez

I love this Ali!!! I got all the feels right along with you when reading this. What an accomplishment. I can feel and see the love and happiness on your face at the finish and know that feeling of doing hard things and KILLING IT! Amazing my friend. ❤️

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thanks Carly! So glad you enjoyed it and you definitely know the feeling of doing hard things and killing it!!!

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I've been wanting to read this since it was posted but also wanted to give it my full attention and absorb each word in your voice, like you are here telling me. So on the beautiful sunny morning, birds chirping, I'm enjoying coffee and "listening" to your amazing story. I'm always amazed how you remember every inch of your runs enough to reinvent them for us to enjoy! Thank you!

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awww thank you Mary Beth for taking the time to read my adventure and even more to share your thoughts! I am sure there is plenty I don't remember.... hahaha!But it truly was an experience to remember!

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Aug 9Liked by Ali Lopez

A very powerful and moving account. Congratulations on your achievement.

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Thank you Bob for taking the time to read and comment!

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Wow, what an adventure! Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks for reading Becca! Glad you found it interesting! Miss you in the writing group. Hope all is well and you can rejoin in the Fall :)

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Jul 29Liked by Ali Lopez

Love this story of mind over body. What did you eat after your race? Was there a particular food that you were focused on eating afterwards?

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Thanks Christine! I wish I could say I was dreaming about a food but my stomach was not craving anything! After the race Michael drove us home an hour, I don't remember the drive so I am sure I fell asleep. When we got home I debated shower or nap and the nap won, so I crashed in my dirty race clothes for 2 hours, woke up, hobbled to the shower, ate an egg sandwich and then chilled out for a bit. Before eating a pizza and then going to sleep. I slept from about 8 pm to 8 am.....

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Jul 30Liked by Ali Lopez

Yup, nap for the win! I certainly hope that you didn't have to share your pizza with Michael, and that you ate the whole thing!

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Amazing story. Congratulations once again again. Salted coke and chips- miracle food. I do like the theory that uphill in the dark is not as bad. I will have to try that out (only did it once to catch a sunrise summit in December).

I see it not as mind over body but mind with body (albeit trashed) as a result of all your thoughtful training. It knew what to do.

Grateful to be writing with you!

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Thank you Paula! I like that.... mind with body! Enjoy the rest of summer!

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Congrats!! Way to come back from that sick dizzy spell. That’s a 100-mile experience for sure!

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thank you Sarah! can't wait to do it again... but need to figure out the nutrition piece!!!!!

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Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

So amazing. Congratulations!

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Congrats again, Ali! What an accomplishment -- both physically and mentally. Thank you for sharing your struggles and triumphs with us.

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Thank for reading Lisa! And all the support with our writing crew... I'll miss it this month!

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Same! It was bittersweet to put "solo writing" blocks on my calendar for the next few Wednesdays!

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feel free to reach out if you want!

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Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

I had so much anxiety reading about your journey! Always amazed by your athletic accomplishments but this one??? Mazel Tov and just keep truckin ❤️

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thanks Chef!

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Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

A hundred hearts to you, Ali! I'm weepy with emotion reading your journey. I have a quote on my fridge, Rilke I believe: "Let everything happen to you, beauty and sorrow. Just keep going, no feeling is final." Sounds like the quote you were living during the race. Way to go, what an inspiration. Thank you for sharing!!

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Thank you for reading Amy! And for all your encouragement on this journey we call life. I absolutely love the quote!!! Stealing.....

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OMGoodness and Hooray Ali!

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Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

Congratulations, Ali! Thanks for sharing the journey with us! It was so inspiring to watch you prepare, train, and plan for this, and then to go out and do it. Amazing!!

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Thank you Joe! For taking the time to read this saga but most of all for your support along the way.... it's takes a village! Why I love this sport so much! And hope you had a blast volunteering!

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Jul 26Liked by Ali Lopez

It was fun! And amazing to see so many people in the same location who were in a variety of places physically/mentally/emotionally.

Not for one second did I feel FOMO for running! 😂

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